Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education, employment, and other areas. Sex discrimination in this case can apply to Wisconsin educational institutions that receive government funding must comply with Title IX laws in areas of hiring practices, admissions, programs, activities, and more. For example, if a person is denied an opportunity based on sex, there is a violation of Title IX and the institution is obligated to conduct an investigation. It also applies to actions like sexual harassment and violence based on sex. These laws affect hundreds of institutions in Wisconsin, including public schools, libraries, museums, and colleges/universities, all of which receive federal funding.  

title IX law in Wisconsin

Title IX Requirements 

Ultimately, a school is responsible for addressing Title IX concerns with its staff and students. To do so, each institution must have a clear plan for addressing and preventing violations. It should be clearly stated that the institution doesn’t tolerate discrimination under any circumstances in the form of a written policy that’s available for all students and staff. The institution should train its staff regularly on Title IX, how to recognize violations, and what to do to enforce a student or staff member’s rights. 

Every institution should have a plan in place for how it plans to address Title IX violations. Students must be informed how they can file a Title IX complaint with the school. The plan should also include procedures for handling complaints in a timely and satisfactory manner. Each school may have different procedures, and it may help to consult with a Wisconsin attorney when addressing Title IX compliance.

How is Title IX Enforced in Wisconsin?

The consequences for a Title IX violation in Wisconsin can vary. After receiving a complaint, a school should address the person filing the complaint to contact Wisconsin’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR). From there, the OCR can choose to dismiss the complaint or open an investigation. If the OCR finds that an institution violated Title IX, the punishment can include revocation or discontinuation of funding. Some cases are sent to the U.S. Department of Justice for a decision. 

Depending on the nature of the violation, there may be different punishments such as suspension, expulsion, or even criminal charges. An institution facing a Title IX violation from one of its students or employees must take action against the perpetrator. Any action that takes place at a school, during a school activity, or within an educational program is subject to Title IX enforcement. If a school doesn’t immediately address the violation, it can face losing funding from the federal government. 

Title IX Lawyers in Wisconsin

Students  and staff members deserve to live in an environment free from sexual harassment, violence, and discrimination. But navigating such matters can be complicated for a school to handle alone. At Attolles Law, S.C., we use our experience and knowledge of Wisconsin law to assist schools with handling Title IX compliance and other legal matters. If you have questions about your school and Title IX, contact Attolles Law, S.C. to schedule a consultation with a member of our law team.